Sacred Space: The Paintings

NOVEMBER 23 dusk, GREEN FLASH; oil on canvas; 60 x 84 inches; $4,500

NOVEMBER 9 dawn; 84 x 60 inches; oil on canvas; $4,500
The original vertical 7 x 5 feet paintings are meditations based on the saturated colors and silence of morning and evening twilight skies, experienced from over 300 days over the course of a one-year cycle.

APRIL 8 golden dawn; 84 x 60 inches; oil on canvas; $4,500

DECEMBER 9 dusk; 84 x 60 inches; oil on canvas; $4,500

MAY 10 dawn, SACRED SPACE; 84 x 60 inches; oil on canvas; $4,500

JUNE 18 dawn; 84 x 60 inches; oil on canvas; $4,500

MARCH 18 dawn; 84 x 60 inches; oil on canvas; $4,500

JANUARY 20 dawn; 84 x 60 inches; oil on canvas; $4,500

MARCH 25 dawn; 84 x 60 inches; oil on canvas; $4,500
OCTOBER 27 dusk; 84 x 60 inches; oil on canvas; $4,500 SOLD

JULY 7 dusk; 84 x 60 inches; oil on canvas; $4,500

APRIL 3 dawn; 84 x 60 inches; oil on canvas; $4,500

MARCH 31 dusk; 60 x 48 inches; oil on canvas; $3,500

APRIL 26 dusk; 60 x 48 inches; oil on canvas; $3,500

FEBRUARY 8 dusk #3; 36 x 36 inches; oil on canvas; $2,500

MARCH 9 dusk, Last Light; 30 x 30 inches; oil on canvas; $1,500

FEBRUARY 8 dusk #1; 36 x 36 inches; oil on canvas; $2,500

AUGUST 13 dawn Triptych; 36 x 30 inches each; Commissioned by and sold to Commercial Advisors; Memphis, Tennessee. Hangs in their corporate lobby space at 5101 Wheelis Dr.; Suite 300

MAY 29 dawn; 36 x 36 inches; oil on canvas; $2,500

MARCH 31 dusk #2; 36 x 36 inches; oil on canvas; $2,500

JULY 11 dusk; 60 x 60 inches; oil on canvas; $3,500

APRIL 3 dawn; 36 x 36 inches; oil on canvas; $2,500

APRIL 8 golden dawn and MAY 10 dawn, SACRED SPACE in Key West Studio; 84 x 60 inches each; oil on canvas; $4,500 per painting